What are surety bonds and guarantees?
If your company needs to provide security for attractive mandates, surety bonds or sureties from Allianz Trade in Switzerland are the ideal solution. Thanks to Allianz Trade in Switzerland's good reputation and excellent ratings, they are readily accepted by private, commercial and public-sector clients around the world. Plus, they do not negatively impact the line of credit from your main bank.
Provide your international suppliers with valuable reinsurance and ensure that they deliver as agreed. A surety issued on your behalf lets your suppliers know that you are able to meet your contractual obligations, provided they fulfil their own. If you take advantage of our surety services, we assume your liabilities to third parties as an independent guarantor.
As part of a global insurance company, we are accepted as an equivalent to a bank but we meet your needs with greater flexibility. We offer the optimal solution for companies with surety requirements from CHF 1 million in the mechanical engineering, manufacturing, import, freight forwarding, wholesale, foreign trade and food industries, among others.