
Fraud insurance

As digital technology evolves, the incidence of fraud is increasing sharply. Protect your business against financial losses from internal and external fraud.

CEO fraud and fraudsters posing as customers or suppliers are a growing threat to businesses. This is not always about a third party criminal activity. Your own employees can also be responsible for the fraud. There are thousands of white-collar crime cases every year. Whether fraud is committed inside or outside your business, financial losses have a major impact on your business and can often run into millions of dollars.

With our fraud insurance, you protect your company against financial losses due to  internal fraud and  external fraud. You will surely also have to invest money to limit damages such as legal costs. Good news! In addition to the financial losses, these costs are also included in our fraud insurance.

Our solutions adapt to the size of your company and your needs of protection against the risk of fraud.
You benefit from a global cover for your company and all your subsidiaries in the European Economic Area.
With Euler Hermes, European leader of fraud insurance with more than 30 years’ experience, you make the choice of a liable partner.
  • As from your subscription, you receive a risk prevention guide and alerts about new threats to help you to protect you against the risk of fraud.
  •  In case of proven fraud, our claims managers and our mandated experts will help you to manage the crisis.
  • When the amount of the fraud has been fixed, you will be indemnified for the direct financial losses and associated costs with the 30 days.

An internal fraud is perpetrated by one or more of your employees. As procedures in many businesses are often based on trust and internal control systems may not yet be sufficiently robust, the internal fraud is very common and the losses can severely affect the financial health and the standing of your company. Common examples of internal fraud include:

• Payment of false invoices to a personal bank account
Theft of office equipment
• Purchasing inappropriate business gifts
• Using company funds to buy goods for personal use

An external fraud is organized by people outside the company. The latest generation of fraudsters use ultra-sophisticated means to attack companies by posing as a business partner (false supplier or false customer), or even a manager (CEO fraud), always in order to receive fraudulently funds or goods.

Techniques used by these new fraudsters include identity theft, imitation of voice and signature, persuasion, intimidation, false emails and system intrusion.

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83 million

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AA rating 

by Standard & Poor’s 
Your business could be hit by fraud. External fraud involves the theft of money or stock by persons outside the business. Internal fraud is fraud perpetrated by your staff. Cyber fraud can be either internal or external. Your policy covers you against internal, external and cyber fraud. Subscribing to a fraud insurance limits your exposure to direct and indirect financial losses. If you are victim of fraud, our team of specialists will take charge of the situation and provide you with bespoke assistance.