Guide sureties and guarantees

In particular, a surety or guarantee can be an ideal solution for companies that wish to avoid unnecessary and overpriced loans. A surety or guarantee from Allianz Trade in Switzerland gives you the ability to secure the future liquidity of your company without having to fall back on a bank guarantee. Moreover, a surety or guarantee from us grants you considerably more leeway and liquidity than a bank would offer.

Our guide to sureties and guarantees tells you everything you need to know about sureties and guarantees. What are their advantages? What do you have to do? How will you get the money you need if the worst comes to the worst?


These topics await you, among others:

  • How surety bonds empower your business's global expansion
  • Five reasons an insurer is your best partner for surety bonds  
  • Expert Q&A on surety bonds: Your questions asked and answered
  • Case study: Underpinning international success with surety bonds
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