Credit insurance offers invaluable protection when B2B customers fail to pay.
Growth can be risky without it but what would be the annual cost of trade credit insurance for your business?
Get that answer here, in a matter of minutes.
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Get your trade credit insurance premium estimate in 2 steps
Let’s start with some key company information
This price indication is not legally binding and is not an offer of the proposed terms of cover. The indicative price is subject to applicable premium levies on the premium element and local taxes on the service fee element (the split between each is not shown in the price indication). Any offer of proposed terms of cover that we may issue will be subject to (amongst other things) receipt by us of a fully completed and satisfactory Proposal Form. Actual pricing may vary from the price indications given once we assess individual circumstances. The information contained herein is not intended to be complete descriptions of all terms, conditions, limitations or exclusions and is provided for general information purposes only. The trade credit insurance policy issued resulting from the estimate above will be underwritten by Euler Hermes trading through its branch Euler Hermes, Singapore Branch with a principal place of business at 79 Robinson Road, #09-01, Singapore 068897, which is a general insurer licensed and regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Euler Hermes Singapore Services Limited is an underwriting agent appointed by Euler Hermes, Singapore Branch.
Euler Hermes is a limited company registered in Belgium (Company Number: 0403.248.596). Euler Hermes is a foreign company with a registered branch in Singapore (Euler Hermes, Singapore Branch – UEN: T13FC0142K).
Your company’s characteristics:
Turnover (US$)
Trade sector
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Complete your contact information to get your estimate
This price indication is not legally binding and is not an offer of the proposed terms of cover. The indicative price is subject to applicable premium levies on the premium element and local taxes on the service fee element (the split between each is not shown in the price indication). Any offer of proposed terms of cover that we may issue will be subject to (amongst other things) receipt by us of a fully completed and satisfactory Proposal Form. Actual pricing may vary from the price indications given once we assess individual circumstances. The information contained herein is not intended to be complete descriptions of all terms, conditions, limitations or exclusions and is provided for general information purposes only. The trade credit insurance policy issued resulting from the estimate above will be underwritten by Euler Hermes trading through its branch Euler Hermes, Singapore Branch with a principal place of business at 79 Robinson Road, #09-01, Singapore 068897, which is a general insurer licensed and regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Euler Hermes Singapore Services Limited is an underwriting agent appointed by Euler Hermes, Singapore Branch.
Euler Hermes is a limited company registered in Belgium (Company Number: 0403.248.596). Euler Hermes is a foreign company with a registered branch in Singapore (Euler Hermes, Singapore Branch – UEN: T13FC0142K).
Thank you for your request. The cost of your trade credit insurance is estimated at:
/ NA
/ NA
/ NA
Thank you for your estimate request. It looks like you need a bespoke solution. We’ll be in touch to discuss your specific requirements.
This price indication is not legally binding and is not an offer of the proposed terms of cover. The indicative price is subject to applicable premium levies on the premium element and local taxes on the service fee element (the split between each is not shown in the price indication). Any offer of proposed terms of cover that we may issue will be subject to (amongst other things) receipt by us of a fully completed and satisfactory Proposal Form. Actual pricing may vary from the price indications given once we assess individual circumstances. The information contained herein is not intended to be complete descriptions of all terms, conditions, limitations or exclusions and is provided for general information purposes only. The trade credit insurance policy issued resulting from the estimate above will be underwritten by Euler Hermes trading through its branch Euler Hermes, Singapore Branch with a principal place of business at 79 Robinson Road, #09-01, Singapore 068897, which is a general insurer licensed and regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Euler Hermes Singapore Services Limited is an underwriting agent appointed by Euler Hermes, Singapore Branch.
Euler Hermes is a limited company registered in Belgium (Company Number: 0403.248.596). Euler Hermes is a foreign company with a registered branch in Singapore (Euler Hermes, Singapore Branch – UEN: T13FC0142K).
It pays to be covered
Credit insurance secures your trade and enables
you to grow with confidence.
Slow payers
Unsure whether to continue offering credit to less reliable customers? Whether they pay late or become insolvent, we step in.
New customers
Attract new customers with competitive credit terms by better understanding the risk and securing each transaction.
Large orders
Grow your business by accepting large orders without the risk of bad debts crippling your business.
If a customer fails to pay, we handle amicable and judicial procedures and indemnify you for the insured amount if policy terms have been met - whatever the outcome of our debt collection procedures.