
Credit insurance for lease agreements

Protection against missed lease payments

Credit insurance for lease agreements mitigates the risk of non-payment for lease instalments, providing financial protection throughout the lease term. This cover features fixed policy terms and non-cancellable credit limits lasting up to five years.

This extended coverage duration ensures sustained stability and confidence in leasing agreements, offering businesses comprehensive security over a multi-year timeframe.

Credit insurance for leasing of goods ensures financial stability
and confidence in your business operations that supports growth..
Protect cash flow and ensure operational continuity by guarding against payment defaults.
Focus on business growth by mitigating leasing risks through proactive risk management.
Boost long-term resilience by reinforcing financial stability in leasing operations.

Machinery leasing contract

A small manufacturer of specialist machinery leases £500,000 worth of equipment to a local contractor, with monthly payments of £8,000 over five years.

Risk: Potential payment default due to changes in the contractor’s financial instability.

Solution: The manufacturer purchases credit insurance covering 90% of the lease value.

Outcome: The policy protects against default, ensuring the manufacturer’s cash flow remains stable and operational disruptions are minimised, enhancing financial resilience in their leasing operations. The manufacturer is also able to gain possession of the specialist machinery and lease them elsewhere.

High-value server leasing

An IT infrastructure services company leases high-value servers to a client, with £20,000 monthly lease instalments over a three-year period.

Risk: Potential payment default due to market volatility affecting the client's financial stability.s.

Solution: The leasing company purchases credit insurance covering 90% of the lease value.

Outcome: Despite the client experiencing a temporary financial setback, the policy enables the leasing company to recover 90% of the outstanding payments, ensuring minimal disruption to their cash flow. The lease contract included an Acceleration Clause, allowing the IT company to demand immediate repayment of the remainder of the lease when the client defaulted on one payment, which was also then covered by the policy.

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Other Medium Term Credit Insurance solutions

Our Medium Term Credit Insurance solutions safeguard you against the risks of non-payment of invoices and work-in-progress costs, under a single contract, or instalments due under a lease agreement.

Credit insurance for single contracts

Covering invoice non-payment and work-in-progress costs, under a single contract, with policy terms and credit limit fixed for up to three years.

Credit Insurance for single contracts
and leases

Single-situation solutions for buyer non-payment under stand-alone supply contracts and lease agreements.