Mithridatism: After the trade recession, exporters are more optimistic in 2024 but also more concerned with (and also more used to?) geopolitical risks, shortages of inputs and labor and financing and non-payment risks.
The pharmaceutical industry is cooking up a storm, with weight-loss drugs serving as the main course. Diabetes and obesity have become the star ingredients driving the sector’s expansion, sidelining traditional staples like oncology and immunology.
2024 was a reality check for the global automotive market and 2025 does not look much better. After recording almost +10% growth in 2023, the automative sector saw a modest +1.7% increase of new registrations in 2024.
Advantage running out and penalties looming: Most countries are seeing
double-digit rebounds in business insolvencies as excess cash dwindles,
leaving the most vulnerable corporates caught between a rock and a
hard place in 2023.