134 results

Jun 17, 2021

Boom or bust? The Covid-19 crisis emphasizes wider fertility challenges

The decision to postpone pregnancy or have fewer children could have lasting effects on demographic change, contributing further to the aging of societies.

Jun 17, 2021

Australia´s pension system: No reform can replace financial literacy

Demographic change poses a formidable challenge for Australia: Despite only a modest increase in the old-age dependency ratio, the number of people aged 65 and older will almost double from 4.1mn today to 7.5mn within the next 30 years.

May 19, 2021

Abolishing fuel subsidies in a green and just transition

Abolishing fossil fuel subsidies and directing the funds to renewable energy seems like an easy win for the climate. But getting rid of them comes with steep costs for consumers, particularly the poorest households.

May 12, 2021

Global Insurance Report 2021 - Bruised but not broken

While some regions, especially Asia, will almost seamlessly resume their pre-crisis development as early as 2021, the recovery elsewhere will be much more uncertain.

Apr 22, 2021

Investment is back: Harder, better, faster, stronger?

In the short run, a demand catch-up and the reduction in spare capacities will drive a business investment recovery. But it could take up to four years to return to long-term growth trends.

Apr 15, 2021

Demystifying the four horsemen of the inflation apocalypse

We expect inflation will only stage a temporary overshoot in the US and briefly hit the ECB’s “below, but close to, 2%” target in the Eurozone in 2021.

Mar 22, 2021

China's policy mix: "proactive" and "prudent" in name, tightening in practice

With domestic and external conditions ripe for authorities to tighten the policy mix, Chinese stimulus will not be saving the global economy this time round.

Mar 15, 2021

The irony of Biden’s super stimulus: USD360bn for exporters around the world

President Biden’s USD1.9tn stimulus is set to create a positive confidence effect on US domestic demand, part of which will be absorbed by exporters across the world.

Feb 17, 2021

Digital-enabling countries proved more resilient to the Covid-19 economic shock

Our estimates show that an additional point in a country’s 2020 EDI score translated to +0.25pp GDP growth in Q3 2020 y/y.

Feb 11, 2021

Is the Chinese ox reflating the world, one container at a time?

Amid surging demand for imports from China, a container shortage and a strengthening RMB are pushing up import prices for European firms.

134 results

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