In focus – Eurozone convergence: two steps forward, one step back
- The European Commission’s new Economic Security Strategy could not have come sooner, with its focus on boosting Europe’s competitiveness and deepening the Single Market as essential elements for safeguarding the bloc’s economic security. The pandemic and the energy crises stress-tested the EU’s resolve in forming a strong political consensus. It emerged battle-hardened but severely weakened economically. Now the “European project” finds itself – yet again – at a critical stage of development that requires safeguarding its economic future amid rising geopolitical tensions and domestic pressures.
- While the Economic and Monetary Union has helped increase convergence across countries over the last two decades, the momentum has significantly slowed. In fact, regional disparities are on the rise. In addition, the uneven recovery from the crises is set to increase the income gap as projected growth remains broadly the same across most member countries with still large differences in GDP per capita.
- Clearly this trend warrants asking the critical question as to how the Eurozone can achieve meaningful convergence. Deepening the EMU requires greater financial integration and better coordination of fiscal policies. Completing the banking and capital markets unions, as well as reforming fiscal rules, will ensure a deeper and stronger Eurozone.