What is accounts receivable?

Learn what accounts receivable is and the benefits it could provide to your business.
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5 questions to ask on invoice finance

Factoring and other forms of invoice financing are ideal for companies wanting access to funding. Here are five key questions to ask before signing up.
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Four ways BNPL can unlock your business’s e-commerce revenue potential

Explore Allianz Trade’s top tips on how to turn your B2B customer’s expectations for BNPL into an e-commerce revenue opportunity – while still protecting your cash flow
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BNPL: The new critical success factor for B2B e-merchants

By offering BNPL financing to customers, e-merchants can increase e-commerce conversion rates, foster loyalty and grow sales – without putting cash flow at risk. Discover how.
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Benefits of exporting – and risks SMEs need to know

Exporting can be great for SME business growth. To help you export with confidence, read our guide to the benefits of exporting vs exporting risks.
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Invoice finance: a buyer’s guide

Invoice finance can solve business cash flow problems, but can be complex to buy. Here’s what UK firms need to know when choosing an invoice financing provider.
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5 things to look for when building business relationships abroad

Building business relationships abroad can be more challenging than domestic relationships, but the key principles of trust and reliability are the same. Find out what you should look for.
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Move to offsite construction – can it help the construction industry?

With the construction industry facing mounting insolvencies, can a move to offsite construction help? Read more about the construction revolution.
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What is a B Corp and why should my SME become one?

Becoming a B Corp can help your SME do good while doing business. Find out what a B Corp business is, how it works and how you can make a difference.
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56 releases in total